
Accused denies breaking into car

Home Crime and Courts Accused denies breaking into car

WINDHOEK – A denial of intent forced the magistrate in the Windhoek Magistrate’s Court to enter a plea of not guilty rather than one of guilty for Erastus Shilongo, who is charged with theft from a motor vehicle.

While Shilongo (32) admitted to removing a jack from his employer’s vehicle, he denied he intended to steal it on Monday during his first appearance in the Windhoek Magistrate’s Court. After Shilongo indicated to the court that he would conduct his own defence, he was asked how he intended to plead to the charge of theft from a vehicle that was properly locked and theft from his employer. He told the magistrate he wishes to plead guilty, but that he did not take the jack from a vehicle that was properly locked.

He told Nuule that he was given the key to the vehicle by the owner upon which he removed the jack. Nuule stopped him as she indicated that denial of intention is a clear indication of a plea of not guilty. Prosecutor Letta Amakali asked for a postponement to March 05 for further investigation and proposed N$400 bail, which was granted by the court.


By Roland Routh