
Kids removed from police cells

Home Crime and Courts Kids removed from police cells

WINDHOEK – As a result of the death of a 4-year-old boy in the Wanaheda Police Station holding cells, the police have made arrangements that all infants should be removed from police custody, according to the head of the Namibian Police Public Relations Division, Deputy Commissioner Edwin Kanguatjivi.

Yesterday, Kanguatjivi refused to answer questions about the infant who died in police custody last week Thursday. He said the police would issue a statement today. The woman who allegedly killed the toddler in the Wanaheda Police Station holding cells made her first appearance in the Katutura Magistrate’s Court on Monday on a charge of murder. Loise Kaambu (33) appeared before Magistrate Surita Savage. Kaambu appeared rather baffled as she informed New Era before her court appearance that fellow inmates who were quoted in the media saying that she threatened to kill them are lying, since she does not have a gun. “Kill them with what, I don’t have a gun,” she said. Kaambu said she has been coming to court a lot for a case of shoplifting, but was unsuccessful in securing bail. During her court appearance she was informed of her right to apply for legal aid, but Kaambu replied in Oshiwambo saying she would conduct her own defence.

However, magistrate Savage informed her that the charge of murder she is facing is very serious. She told the interpreter to inform Kaambu that although she indicated she would conduct her own defence, she will be assisted to fill in a legal aid form. The matter was remanded to March 5 this year for further police investigation. Prosecutor Peter Kandjumbwa objected to Kaambu being granted bail, because she faces a serious charge.

Inspector Stephan Nuuyi of the Namibian Police Public Relations Division told a media briefing on Sunday that a fight erupted between two female prisoners in the Wanaheda Police Station holding cells last Thursday, which led to the death of the toddler who was incarcerated with his mother. The boy’s head was smashed twice on the floor and he sustained serious head injuries, explained Nuuyi. The incident occurred between 14h00 and 15h00 on Thursday and the boy died at the Katutura State Hospital at about 19h45 on the same day. The mother of the deceased was in custody for shoplifting after she failed to post bail of N$ 500.


By Tunomukwathi Asino