
Inmate urinating on food leads to psychological evaluation

Home Crime and Courts Inmate urinating on food leads to psychological evaluation

WINDHOEK – The Khomas Regional Police Commander Desiderius Shilunga has requested the commander of the Windhoek Police Station to get a state doctor to examine 42-year-old Gerhard Komeya, who on Tuesday allegedly filled a 500 ml bottle with urine and sprinkled it into the food of other inmates, the head of the Namibian Police Public Relations Division, Deputy Commissioner Edwin Kanguatjivi informed New Era yesterday. Kanguatjivi said that his mental and physical being has to be examined, since Komeya “claims to be sick, but apparently his medical records have been lost.”

The doctor will also have to examine whether Komeya is on a special diet. Komeya claims that a doctor diagnosed him with a liver condition, which requires him not to eat ordinary prison food and that he should be put on a German bread diet instead. Prison officials on duty on Tuesday allegedly forgot to take Komeya’s supper to him, which led to him urinating in a bottle and sprinkling the contents on food meant for his fellow inmates.

Kanguatjivi could not say what action would be taken against Komeya, adding that whenever Komeya had “messed up cases have been opened,” and this one will just add to the existing ones. The deputy commissioner was also unable to say when Komeya’s examinations would commence. Komeya, a former police officer, stands accused of shooting and killing his then 42-year-old girlfriend Kertu Maria Sheehama, a prison warden at the Hakahana informal settlement in the capital in September 2011.

He allegedly shot and killed his late girlfriend with a hunting rifle. Sheehama was scheduled to be transferred from Windhoek to Swakopmund as part of her promotion to a higher rank. Jealousy is said to have played a part in the murder.

By Tunomukwathi Asino