A call to action in the 2024 elections

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A call to action in the 2024 elections

Jafeta Indongo Amakali

As the sun sets on the horizon of Namibia, casting its golden rays upon the vast landscapes of this beautiful nation, it is time for the youth to rise and embrace their role as the architects of tomorrow. 

The upcoming Presidential and National Assembly Elections in 2024 present a crucial opportunity for Namibia’s young citizens to shape their destiny, and they must not let it slip through their fingers. Namibia, a land of diverse cultures and untamed natural beauty, is a nation on the cusp of transformative change. 

The recent discovery of oil reserves in the north east and off its coastline promises newfound wealth and economic prosperity. Simultaneously, the emergence of industries like green hydrogen has the potential to make Namibia a global leader in renewable energy production. 

But for these opportunities to be realised fully, active and informed participation in the democratic process is paramount.

The youth of Namibia represent the heartbeat of the nation’s future. With their fresh perspectives, innovative ideas and unwavering determination, they can steer Namibia toward sustainable development and prosperity.

 However, to do so, they must engage in the electoral process with fervour and dedication. Namibia has one of the youngest and fastest-growing populations in southern Africa, with 62% of the Namibian population falling between the ages of 15 and 34.

This demographic fact underscores the immense potential that lies within this youthful majority, making their active involvement in shaping the nation’s future all the more crucial (Nambinga, 2016). 

First and foremost, the importance of voting cannot be overstated. Each ballot cast is a voice heard, a choice made and a future shaped. In the 2019 Presidential and National Assembly Elections, voter turnout was only around 61%. This statistic highlights a pressing need for more active participation, especially from young voters. 

It is crucial for the youth to realise that their votes are not just a drop in the ocean; they are the tide that can change the course of the nation (Namibia, 2019) 

Moreover, the issues at stake in the 2024 elections are of paramount importance. The newfound oil wealth holds the promise of economic growth and job creation. However, it also brings with it the responsibility to manage these resources wisely, ensuring that the benefits are shared equitably among all Namibians. 

The youth must elect leaders who are committed to transparent governance and who prioritise the long-term interests of the nation over short-term gains. Likewise, the green hydrogen industry presents a unique opportunity for Namibia to lead the way in renewable energy. 

It is not only an economic opportunity but also a chance to combat climate change and safeguard the environment for future generations. Young voters must support candidates who champion clean energy policies and sustainable development. 

Furthermore, the youth must actively engage in the political discourse, leading up to the elections. They should attend rallies, participate in debates and hold their leaders accountable for their promises. 

By doing so, they can ensure candidates they support are committed to the values and principles that align with the future they envision for Namibia. In conclusion, the 2024 elections in Namibia are not just an exercise in democracy; they are a crossroads for the nation’s future.   The youth, with their energy, vision and idealism hold the key to shaping a Namibia that is prosperous, equitable and sustainable.  The discovery of oil and the rise of green hydrogen offer immense opportunities, but they also carry significant responsibilities. 

It is the duty of every young Namibian to participate actively in these elections, for it is through their voices and votes that the destiny of this great nation will be determined. It is time to rise, Namibian youth, and take your place as the architects of a brighter tomorrow. 


*Jafeta Indongo Amakali is a Public Management student at NUST.