
A Lexus for a “boss” diva

Home National A Lexus for a “boss” diva

 Donna Collins

The vivacious singer, Sally Boss Madam, the Annual Namibian Music Awards (NAMAs) Best Female Artist of the Year, has elevated her “diva” status to another level, after being exclusively chauffeured around to her gigs in a luxury Lexus.

The songstress has teamed up with Pupkewitz Lexus to endorse the brand’s image with her star power. This entails being driven around in one of the brands luxury models to her performances. She first touched based with Pupkewitz Lexus earlier this year, to conclude an agreement that she will endorse the Lexus brand in return for her being exclusively driven in style to her concerts along with her entourage. Since Pupkewitz has already actively been involved with Boss Madam for two separate concerts, which is the start of bigger things to come for Lexus and the award-winning singer.

“There is a lot planned in the pipeline, which will be executed towards the end of the year, and when this project comes through it will be visible for everyone to see,” Boss Madam adds. “I am most grateful for Lexus and Boss Madam Music Production for working together, and there are endless opportunities from here onwards.”

Referring to the NAMAS, she says winning felt right to her, ` you are recognised like this at home it feels so special – nothing beats the feeling, but it’s been a journey and a half getting here,” Boss Madam continues, adding that the Lexus endorsement is the cherry on the cake.

 “I have been brand ambassador to many big brands before winning the NAMAS and have been very successful in my music career, you don’t get this far from being alone but by being in a team, and with people who share the same values that you do,” states the full time musician and businessperson all rolled into one.

Chad Wright (Pupkewitz Lexus Brand ambassador) is ecstatic about her company having to chauffeur the muso in one of the world’s most luxurious cars. In particular when it is a N$680 000 silver ‘Lexus IS200t’ sporty sedan, which drove her in “Hollywood style” to both the 081MTC Festival and Miss UNAM crowning. “We are waiting for the new models to come in within the next two weeks, and will contact her once they arrive at the showroom, to discuss the launch and her next event where best we can fit ourselves into,” Wright says. “We are not limiting our involvement with Sally to Windhoek concerts only as our aim is to expand our Lexus name throughout the country, and are super excited that Sally is on board due to the brand being one of her favourite luxury cars.

“This type of partnership between Namibian celebrities endorsing corporate brands is something new for our local entertainment scene, and whilst the deal is only in its infant stage, more information about our partnership will follow, he added.” But for now we have arranged that we we’ll be driving her to and from her concerts for which she is very pleased about.”