A mother’s harrowing tale

Home National A mother’s harrowing tale
A mother’s harrowing tale

The mother of an alleged rape and trafficking victim yesterday unfurled a harrowing tale of trauma and heartbreak in the Windhoek High Court when she narrated the details.

The woman – who may not be named to protect the identity of the alleged victim – told the court how her 11-year-old daughter informed her of the experience she allegedly endured at the hands of a man she fondly called ‘Oupa’ (grandfather).

The witness told Windhoek High Court Judge Naomi Shivute that she wanted to send her daughter – the alleged victim – to her former boss – the wife of the accused – to ask for some money to buy electricity. She used to work for the accused and his wife before a misunderstanding led to her resigning. 

However, she said, she and the wife had a good understanding, and the latter told her not to be shy to ask for help, even though she did not work for her anymore. According to the woman, when she wanted to send the alleged victim to  the lady, the child became agitated and seemed afraid to go to the house of the accused and his wife. This caused her to become suspicious, and she asked her daughter if anything had happened with ‘Oupa’.

 That is when her daughter opened up and told her that Oupa touched her on her breasts and buttocks, and tried to insert his fingers in her private parts. 

She further said that her daughter told her that ‘Oupa’ at some stage wanted to insert his manhood into her privates, but that he could not, and she told him to stop as it was painful. 

The woman, who could not hold back her tears, told the court that she would have never expected something like this as she trusted the accused around her daughters, and that he would come and pick them up and drive around with them. 

She further told the court that her daughter told her that the accused would give her chocolate, biltong and dröewors (dried meat and sausage) as well as money, and told her not to mention anything to her mother. She further said that her daughter told her it happened more than twice. 

The accused, Dirk von Weidst (72) faces nine counts, including trafficking of persons, rape, attempted rape and indecent

It is alleged by the State that he violated the minor girl on several occasions at Noordoewer during the months of October 2020
and January 2021. Also charged alongside Von Weidst is Arrie Jors, who faces six counts of rape, attempted rape and indecent assault, plus a further count of abducting, alternatively kidnapping.

 The State alleges that the accused persons on diverse occasions harboured the victim by deception and subjected her to sexual exploitation. According to the indictment, the victim was also indecently assaulted, and physical force was inflicted on her. Von Weidst is free on bail, while Arrie remains in custody. The State is represented by Maria Shilongo, Von Weidst by Percy McNally, and Jors by Joseph Andreas. 
