
A year of personal discovery, Exit

Home National A year of personal discovery, Exit

 Onesmus Embula

Shapumba David Shikalepo, Exit, is Namibia’s Kwaito genius. From lifting up the Namibia Annual MUSIC Awards (NAMAs)’s Most Disciplined Artist trophy in the past years to cling Best Kwaito award that he currently holds, Exit is striving for his music label, Rockaz, to be one of the most successful in the country. His latest album, The Life of Kunta Kinte, is propelling him to a magna cum laude Kwaito artist, going by its sales in the market.  

2018 was?… A year of personal discovery and enlightenment. The year that belonged to the Kunta Kinte album. My best year, the year I have finally said the words; I am the best musician in the country. 
2019 will be…. How the energy of the Universe respond to my positive vibes.
What Kwaito song describes your music journey so far?… Track 2 on “The Life of Kunta Kinte” album.

What was your favourite gift this year?…. Realising that music is truly my inspiration. Being in my element like a “fish in water” and not forcing things. Realising that my music is inspired by time and time inspires my hustle as time waits for no man. Knowing that it is synchronised with my hustle because I am doing something that I love and that allows me to provide for those that I love. Also identifying that there is a constant need in me to better myself, for example the Exit of today can never be better than the Exit of tomorrow because the Exit of tomorrow learns from the Exit of today. In simple terms; I came of age this year!

Most cursed moment of 2018?…. Besides the piracy incidence that almost derailed my money. Nothing. I do not tolerate any sort of negativity in my life.
Biggest blunder of 2018?…. Antonio Arts. If you know, you know.
Saddest Namibian reality of the year?…. Poverty and land are real issues,
Last text you sent…. “Mkwaita, eta eendjo dange, you can’t owe me for life, pay me what you owe me” mpsss! Play with something safe son.”
Pick three Namibians and play kiss, marry, avoid:
Marry: She knows who she is.
Avoid: Shikekelende 
What put Namibia on the spotlight this year?…. Exit, the son of the soil.