
  AEA Congress in June

Home Focus   AEA Congress in June

WINDHOEK – The 27th annual congress of the Agricultural Employers Association (AEA) will take place on June 17 at 07:30 at the Arebbush Travel Lodge, Windhoek. The theme this year is “Learn from another” and various expert speakers will address the congress. For registration forms and more information, contact Danie van Vuuren, principal officer of the AEA at Tel 061 237838, lwv-aea@agrinamibia.com.na. Registration fees are N$260 per representatives and forms must reach the office not later than June 9.

Dorsland FA is holding a general member meeting on May 7 at 15:00 at Saambou. For further details contact Ellie Lottering, Tel 081 2116611, franseli@iway.na.

Mariental RAU is hosting a motivation day on May 8 at 09:00 at the Stampriet FA hall. Guest speakers are Mr Ernst Janovsky who talks about the economy in Africa, Mr Charl Senekal who talks about opportunities in Africa’s environment and Mr Mecki Schneider who talks about the meat industry in Namibia. Entry fees are N$50 per person and meals and coffee and snacks are N$110 per person. For further details contact Hannes Visagie, Tel 081 1249902,jwv@afol.com.naor Marina le Roux, Tel 063 252015,marpas@iway.na.

Aroab FA is holding a “vasbyt” fun day on May 9 at the FA hall. Farm bakkies, motor bikes and quad bikes can participate. The day is concluded with a dance and “roerbraai”. For further details contact Georgia Viljoen, Tel 081 7639948,bvaroab@gmail.comor Pieter van Schalkwyk, Tel 081 1248448.

Grootfontein FA is holding a Weaner Day on May 15 at 10:00 at Farm Highlands of Louis Steyn. Speakers are Barend Dorfling, Frikkie Booysen, H Bohme, Nic Nell en Cipla. The day is concluded with a Steak Braai. Entry fees are N$100 per person and please register before May 9 at fhyman@iway.na or willemiens@iway.na. For further details contact Willem, Tel 081 2305078 or Gillie, Tel 081 1223308.

Kalkplato FA is hosting a Braai Day at Witbooisvlei on May 24, 2014. This is a rib and sausage braai competition and the theme is “Braai on Safari”. For further details contact Grete Wiesner, Tel 081 1276103, glh@mweb.com.na.

The Simmentaler/Simbra breeders are holding a farmers day on June 3 at 09:00 at Farm Ouparakane of Mr Martin Harms in the Hochfeld vicinity. Communal, emerging and commercial farmers are welcome. Lectures will be given about animal feed, cattle sicknesses, fertility of cows and selection of young bulls. For further details contact M Harms, Tel 081 2928753, outeesim@iway.na or H Kruger, Tel 081 2964280, simnamibia@gmail.com.

The Limousin Breeders Association of Namibia is hosting a judging course at Hochfeld on June 11 & 12, 2014. The course is offered by Messrs Willie Grobler and Barend Dorfling and the costs are N$750 per person. For further details contact Ellie Lottering, Tel 081 2116611, franseli@iway.na