
Affirmative Repositioning – The Two Options

Home Opinions Affirmative Repositioning – The Two Options

By George Kambala,
Dimbulukeni Nauyoma and
Job Shipululo Amupanda

WE have clarified the rationale of Affirmative Repositioning (AR), as a rejection of the view that the land question is concluded and as about restoring black people’s dignity as it relates to land. We provided clarity that youth would no longer eat bones while even the elite’s dogs eat better.

AR seeks to establish an order quarantining and liquidating this capitalist anarchy. It is about standing up for the 60 percent of our population and shielding them from capitalistic greed and economic rape. AR is about land. While Namibians generally embrace and understand AR there are pockets – due to ignorance, the general zombie tendency or factional postures – few pockets still locate AR within the ruling party factional postures claiming there is “no land crisis in Namibia”. To do so, we advise, is to leave your million-dollar bag unattended because it is next to a Bishop’s son; you will be surprised.

Those failing to locate AR in its proper context are advised to drink from Roman political theorist Marcus Tullius Cicero, who submits that “history is the witness that testifies to the passing of time; it illumines reality, vitalizes memory [and] provides guidance in daily life”. What can history testify – what reality can it illuminate – what memory can it vitalize – what guidance can it provide as far as AR is concerned?
Warrior Nehale lyaMpingana comes to mind. King Kambonde kaMpingana, Nehale’s brother, is said to have embraced Christianity and became soft thus allowed white settlers in Ondonga. Nehale did not take the romancing of whites lightly; he affirmatively repossessed eastern Ondonga – a move opposed by many. Brave men, such as Amupanda gwaShiponeni and Shivute shaNdjongolo and others, stood by young Nehale.

This history inspired us when we went to Kleine Kuppe on November 9, 2014, and when we led the November 21, 2014 mass action. We have seen a lot since AR took centre stage. Courageous leaders called for the land issue to be addressed. The Namibian Defence Force registered soldiers without houses. AR is consolidating the unity of the youth – giving them both knowledge and confidence of self. We have seen courageous landless women of Swakopmund helping themselves to the land with babies on their backs.

Many youth want us in their towns to liberate them from fear and quench their land thirst. We have responded in the affirmative; on February 27, 2015, at 11h00, there will be nationwide land mass actions where youth will submit land applications expecting an answer before or on July 31, 2015. With all Namibian title deeds in our possession, we now know who owns what, when and where.

What happens after 31 July 2015? There are two options; co-operative and antagonistic. Should there be no positive answer by the set date, we will follow the antagonistic path, which simply means occupying (taking) the land.

Land occupation leads to the creation of AR communities wherein our people will build their homes with the little they have. One month they buy bricks, next month is a door, next a window – until the house is complete. AR communities will rely on underutilised solar energy, as a measure to free the people from electricity bills.

Namibia receives more sunlight than many nations on earth. Sewerage and sanitation will not be a problem for AR communities. Namibia has produced thousands of plumbers – many remain unemployed. To put up an independent sewage system, it can cost between N$2 500 and N$5 000. The elite are also using independent sewage systems at their farms, villages, lodges and ranches. Youth will enter sewage business by buying sewage trucks to work in AR communities. Our youth specialising in water speak of underground water possibility.

As a case in point, we learnt that the Windhoek aquifer (underground layer of water) is actually near, hence cheaper to access the water. We estimate one borehole for use by houses within 10 000 square metres. We explore this option should Namwater side with the elites. This is only a short synopsis of the antagonistic option.

The co-operative option requires resolute and decisive leadership. It is the sunrise of the land question and the application of radical interventions. It starts with a public commitment to regulate sale of land and housing prices (including rental). Practically, it means establishing institutions to perform this task. Land and house prices must become the cheapest in Africa.

*The three authors are AR land activists, who were last year suspended from all Swapo activities by the party’s top four leaders