
Agra Limited staff join fight against drought

Home National Agra Limited staff join fight against drought

WINDHOEK – Agra staff members last week joined the fight against the drought by donating an amount of N$100 000 to the Dare to Care Fund. Agra staff from all corners of the country decided to collectively raise funds by contributing a share of their salaries to assist in alleviating the plight of drought-stricken farmers.

“Agriculture is the bloodline of Agra Limited, without the farmers Agra would not exist and
therefore it was imperative that we assist our farmers. With this humble contribution, the staff
hopes to assist the fund in reaching the set ambitious collection target of N$10 million,” said
Ndapewa Neshila, the Communications and Public Relations Officer at Agra.

Agra is one of the pillars of the agricultural community in Namibia. The fully-fledged Namibian organisation is led by a team of qualified and experienced Namibian professionals, who understands the evolving industry and thus provide cost-effective product solutions, personal service, and specialised training, she said.
The company spokesperson noted this donation proves that Agra is living by its corporate value of “Rooted in our People”, which is a clear indication of the company’s commitment to the agriculture community in Namibia. 

“Agra had earlier this year donated an amount of N$500 000 to the fund which has gone a long way in assisting our farmers, however, because of the extreme climatic conditions, Agra staff felt they needed to further extend their hands to the farmers to survive the drought,” Neshila says.

 Roelie Venter, Executive Manager of the Namibian Agricultural Union thanked the Agra staff
for the generous donation. “The donation is highly appreciated, and the fact that it came from the Agra staff indicates the commitment of Agra to the agricultural community in Namibia. 

The NAU will ensure that the farmers will receive the intendent assistance,” said Venter.
“The Dare to Care Fund, established in 2000, is an initiative by the whole agricultural sector,
including the Namibia Emerging Commercial farmers Union (NECFU), Namibia Agricultural Union (NAU), and the private sector in Namibia, to assist all drought-stricken farmers to survive the drought. Agra is a founding and active member of the Dare to Care Fund.