
Airline worker gets bail

Home Crime and Courts Airline worker gets bail

By Tunomukwathi Asino


WINDHOEK – An Air Namibia employee was granted bail when he made his first appearance in the Katutura Magistrate’s Court on Tuesday.

Magistrate George Mbundu granted bail of N$2500 to Olivio Agusto Cruzeta, 29, with no conditions attached.

The matter will proceed on May 7.

Cruzeta and another Namibian as well as two Somalis were arrested on Saturday at Hosea Kutako International Airport after they allegedly issued tickets to Somalis travelling on fake passports.

The Somalis were travelling to Frankfurt. Only Cruzeta appeared in court and it’s not clear when the other Namibian and the Somalis will appear.

Anthony Wilson represented the state. Milton Engelbrecht from the law firm Isaacks & Benz Inc represented Cruzeta.