
Alec Williams wins NBAA national tournament

Home Sports Alec Williams wins NBAA national tournament


The sixth edition of the Bank Windhoek Namibian Bass Angling Association (NBAA) national tournament was recently held at Lake Oanob, with Alec Williams scooping the title after catching five fish with a combined weight of 8.681kg.
Due to relatively low water levels and last month having been the breeding season for the bass, anglers were barred from accessing certain areas of the lake in an effort to protect spawning fish in their hatching nests.
Hence, the tournament proved to be relatively tough. However, a decent number of 38 bass were caught on the day and a total of four trophy fish were caught during the tournament.
The biggest bass of the tournament, weighing 3.291kg, was caught by angler Alec Williams, giving him the push to also win the tournament.

The final results are as follows:
• 1st Prize: Alec Williams – five fish with a weight of 8.681kg.
• 2nd Prize: Thinus Williams – five fish with a weight of 6.805kg.
• 3rd Prize: Richard Grant – three fish with a weight of 6.756kg.