
Alleged ‘gold teeth’ rapist in court

Home National Alleged ‘gold teeth’ rapist in court
Alleged ‘gold teeth’ rapist in court

A MAN who allegedly lured young girls to his house with the promise of fixing a gold ring to their teeth made his first appearance in the Windhoek High Court yesterday.

Johan Paru Morkel is facing seven counts of rape and alternatively committing or attempting to commit a sexual act with a child below the age of 16 years. 

He further faces three counts of trafficking in children, one count of abduction alternatively kidnapping, one count of assault by threat, one count of attempted rape alternatively indecent assault, and one count of attempting to commit an indecent or immoral act with a child under the age of 16, or alternatively indecent assault. 

The State alleges that he kidnapped a 15-year-old girl on 21 December 2018 at Nuwepost near Dordabis and took her into the bushes where he tied her up and repeatedly raped her. 

The girl managed to escape after three days when he went to relieve himself. It is further alleged that during 2021, he lured two underage girls to his residence with the promise to put gold on their teeth and then he sexually molested them. 

The indictment indicates that he lured a nine-year-old girl on 30 May 2021 with the promise to put a gold ring on her teeth and while she was in his residence, he committed a sexual act. 

It is further alleged that he threatened to beat her if she told anyone about what happened. 

On 16 July 2021, he allegedly showed another young girl a gold ring on his teeth and offered to put one on her teeth as well. While she was sitting, he allegedly inserted his tongue in her mouth while simultaneously touching her body and buttocks and trying to remove her clothes. 

The girl who may not be named managed to pull free and run away and report the incident.

The matter was referred to the High Court last year.

Morkel who is represented by Happie Ntelamo-Matswetu on instructions of Legal Aid was remanded in custody at the trial awaiting section at the Windhoek Correctional Facility. 

The matter has been postponed to 22 February for another pre-trial hearing before Deputy Judge President Hosea Angula.

The prosecution was represented by Advocate Palmer Khumalo.

– rrouth@nepc.com.na