
Alleged killer farm worker fit for trial

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Alleged killer farm worker fit for trial

A 28-year-old farm worker on trial for killing his employer and raping the wife of his employer, is mentally fit to put up a defence. 

Kazana Nicolaus Hausiku was informed yesterday when he made an appearance before High Court Judge Naomi Shivute that the two psychiatrists who evaluated him concluded that he had no psychological defects.

State psychiatrist Hileni Ndjaba and private psychiatrist Reinhardt Sieberhagen both found that he has no mental or personality disorders. They also did not detect any cognitive abnormalities. 

According to them, Hausiku is mentally fit to stand trial and give instructions to his lawyer to formulate a defence. Furthermore, at the time the offence was committed, he did not suffer from any psychological issues. Thus, he is able to appreciate the wrongfulness of his actions. 

In December last year, Hausiku demanded that he be referred for a mental evaluation. According to him, he lost his memory as a result of the accident he was involved in on the same day he allegedly committed the offences. 

Hausiku is on trial for murder, rape, kidnapping, robbery, driving without a licence and reckless or negligent driving – charges he pleaded not guilty to. 

It is alleged that he killed his 56-year-old employer near Otjimbingwe in the Karibib district by hacking him on the head with an axe during the period 10 to 11 November 2018.  

He allegedly threatened the wife of the farmer with a panga and raped her inside the farmhouse, whereafter he ransacked the farmhouse and loaded the stolen items onto a pick-up of the deceased, and forced the wife to accompany him.

The State further alleges that while driving away from the farm, he overturned the vehicle between Otjimbingwe and Wilhelmstal. 

Hausiku, who only started working for the couple in October 2018, on that fateful Saturday allegedly entered the kitchen of the farmhouse and demanded a firearm from the wife.

He was allegedly told that they did not have one, but went ahead and started searching for it in the house.

He then allegedly took an axe from the kitchen and walked to the kraal where the deceased was milking goats, and hacked him with the axe on the head.

Shortly afterwards, he stole household items, took the couple’s vehicle and kidnapped the deceased’s terrified wife, whom he allegedly threatened to also kill.

Hausiku allegedly overturned the car about 35 kilometres from Otjimbingwe and fled on foot, leaving the woman at the wreckage.

She was later rescued by an oncoming vehicle, whose occupants alerted the police of the brutal murder.

Hausiku has since denied the allegations, citing he was acting in self-defence.

His trial will resume on 10 May, with the defence expected to present their case. 

*The identities of the victims cannot be disclosed so as to protect the identity of the rape victim.
