
Ambassador Zindoga lauds African solidarity

Home National Ambassador Zindoga lauds African solidarity

KATIMA MULILO – Zimbabwean Ambassador to Namibia Chipo Zindoga has lauded the support extended to Zimbabwe by regional bodies as well as individual countries during its ongoing economic hardships stemming from international sanctions. Zindoga made the comment  during the African Agenda 2063 lecture in Katima Mulilo last week.

According to Zindoga many attempts have been made by western countries to cripple the economy of Zimbabwe but the African Union (AU) has stood firm in its position to cement Zimbabwe’s integrity and sovereignty. “Zimbabwe has been hit by crippling illegal sanctions for the past twelve years because we reclaimed our land from the historical occupier, Britain. In line with its objective of defending the sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence of its member states, the AU took a principled position and stood resolutely in support of Zimbabwe when the country was under threat of military invasion and isolation in all aspects from western countries,” said Zindoga.

According to Zindoga an inclusive government in Zimbabwe was also born out of the AU’s firm belief in peaceful resolution of conflicts and African solidarity, despite several calls for mandatory sanctions by  western countries. “When some western countries were calling for the imposition of mandatory sanctions on Zimbabwe, the AU called for dialogue and the creation of an inclusive government in Zimbabwe. The AU and the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) positions received a tremendous boost when the UN Security Council resolution was stopped in its tracks by the double veto from Africa’s friends and allies, China and Russia,” said Zindoga in her lecture.

Zindoga further took a swipe at western countries which she said are determined to find fault with Zimbabwe even when there’s none , referring to the Zimbabwe elections that saw incumbent President Robert Mugabe winning a landslide victory and ending the inclusive government with opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai. “The SADC and AU have endorsed the 31 July 2013 Zimbabwe harmonised elections as free, peaceful and credible, shaming the western allies who have discredited the election results. It’s a closed chapter as SADC, Africa and the progressive nations of the world are forging ahead in establishing economic partnerships with Zimbabwe. Both SADC and the AU continue to lobby for the total removal of the illegal sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe by Britain and her western allies,” said Zindoga.

Another example of African solidarity, said Zindonga, was Africa’s insistence that the Africa-EU summit not be held without Zimbabwe. “African solidarity was fully demonstrated when African countries insisted that the Africa-EU summit could not be held without Zimbabwe. As a result the summit could not be held for seven years until the EU backed down enabling Zimbabwe’s full participation,” said the diplomat.


By George Sanzila