Amupanda promises housing for cops

Home National Amupanda promises housing for cops

Affirmative Repositioning (AR) activist-in-chief Job Amupanda has promised to initiate a housing programme for police officers if elected as councillor and subsequently as Windhoek mayor in next month’s local authority elections. 
Amupanda, who has declared himself as the incoming mayor, wrote to police chief Sebastian Ndeitunga in an open letter to start informing his officials in finance, planning and human resources of his housing solution to the men in uniform. 

“General sir, you may not be aware most of your members are living in Kambashus (ghettos) they put up in the middle of the night or erected by relatives on their behalf,” he said. 

“Those without Kambashus of their own are renting from them. What do you think a police officer, who is renting a Kambashu, will do when he/she finds his/her Kambashu owner committing crime? We need to provide leadership – and together we can do it. We will discuss further details upon assuming office.”  He told Ndeitunga the problems of land and housing are not created by AR nor by the police but by greedy individuals who have failed overtime to resolve the land and housing crisis.  “You are also on record complaining about the housing challenges your members face. As a freedom fighter, yourself, the land and housing crisis and the economic state of affairs are surely not what you had expected to characterise a free Namibia you liberated. A radical solution, you would agree general sir, is needed and urgently so,” he said.

Amupanda recently listed urban land, housing, water provision and unemployment as top of his priorities, while at the same time helping to restore human dignity in the nation’s capital. 