
An Ode to Pombili Shilongo

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An Ode to Pombili Shilongo

The last time I dedicated a column to someone was Gazza and people called it d**kriding. Today’s edition of #IndustryLoop is dedicated to Pombili Shilongo.

One wonders what they would call today’s dedication to Pombili. Anyway, Pombili has been trending all week because of her new ambassadorial role as the newest face of Mercedes Benz Namibia. 

As much as industry players, like myself, have been happy for her, there are others who have been quizzing why Mercedes Benz went for Pombili. 

She is irrelevant they say. It’s just because she is a woman, they say. It’s probably connections, they say. I’m going to attempt to address all three of these phrases that kept coming up either on Twitter or in candid conversations with fellow industry players. 

Pombili has been a Namibian TV darling since a very young age.

We have a whole generation who grew up watching her on shows like Whatagwan on Namibia’s national broadcaster – NBC. Pombili successfully graduated from being a TV presenter on what is supposed to be an entertainment youth show to producing shows and hosting mega-platforms like the NAMAs…multiple times for that matter. 

How is someone who did all of that not relevant enough for a motor ambassadorial gig?! As for the connections…I don’t understand people who sit and complain about connections. Listen, this is Namibia, omes! Windhoek, for that matter! Connections IS THE NAME OF THE GAME! Pombili and

other like-minded creatives worked their ass off to secure these

connections. Pombili and other like-minded creatives who are securing groundbreaking deals have had to prove their worth…over and over and over again.

So, what if it’s connections? So what, bruh?! I will not fault any creative who utilises their connections to the max. Why should I fault them? Because you want to sit on your arse on your phone and tweet that she has connections but you cannot stand up, present yourself and your product and make your own connections? 

Rest, reset, and re-programme your mind because sitting and complaining about Pombili and other like-minded creatives who are doing incredible things with their brands is not going to stop them from securing more deals. 

Pombili…I salute you! To more Ws. 

Until the next Loop, we say #GMTM


* Need an MC? An experienced MC? Not those MCs that will shout in the mic all evening and destroy your ears…but a real MC that will actually read the room and deliver? Contact me for a quote at naobebsekind@gmail.com