….and intervention irks Meatco’s Rukoro

Home Focus ….and intervention irks Meatco’s Rukoro

By Deon Schlechter


WINDHOEK –Witvlei Meat’s decision to approach the Norwegian government with a request to interfere in the allocation of the current Southern African Customs Union (SACU) GSP quota has been met with heavy criticism by Meatco’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Advocate Vekuii Rukoro.

Rukoro  says Meatco is concerned with Witvlei Meat’s latest stance in the ongoing battle over the 2014 beef export quota for Norway.  “We are gravely concerned by the ludicrous nature of both these proposed motions, as they not only infringe on the very sovereignty of the SACU countries in question, but also obviously cannot be in the interest of any farmer within Namibia or Botswana,” Meatco Chief Executive Officer, Advocate Rukoro says. “Since Witvlei’s quota was reduced in order to effectively unlock additional benefits towards all Namibian farmers, they have consistently attempted to reverse and negate government’s directive in this regard. By planning to request the Norwegian government to effectively remove all benefits resulting from the GSP quota, clearly Sidney Martin and team are saying that if they can’t get what they want, then no one can get it. What they perhaps don’t understand is that this quota is not about individual business interests, but about the interests of livestock producers in Namibia and Botswana, whose very livelihood depends on farming and the benefits provided by this quota. This fact is also well supported by the criteria upon which the Ministry of Trade and Industry made the quota allocation,”  Rukoro says.

During 2013, Witvlei slaughtered a total of 8 391 cattle, whilst Meatco and the Botswana Meat Commission (BMC) slaughtered a combined volume of 247 770 cattle. This implies that Witvlei only managed to secure 3.28% of the cattle slaughtered for export within SACU during 2013 (whilst they were enjoying 50% of the Namibian portion of the Norwegian quota – 800 tons and 25% of the overall SACU quota).  “Proposing therefore that Witvlei be awarded one third of the entire SACU quota (approximately 1 000 tons) is not only without merit and clearly misguided, but borders on mitigated arrogance,” Rukoro states.

Statements from Witlvei are to the effect that Meatco holds a monopoly in the Namibian cattle market. This is not true, says Rukoro. “Meatco needs to consistently compete with other establishments inside and outside Namibia in order to secure cattle for our abattoirs.” Out of the total livestock sold in Namibia last year, 55.79% were live exports to South Africa and Angola, 18.31% were local abattoirs, 2.26% went to Witvlei and Meatco only got 26.65% “Witvlei has not made any attempt to increase its slaughter volumes, not even during last year’s devastating drought and despite Government’s repeated requests to all abattoirs to increase their capacity in order to assist affected farmers,” according to Rukoro. In contrast to Witvlei, the quota allocated to Meatco benefits a broad range of Namibian farmers, including communal farmers in the Northern Communal Areas (NCAs). “We are willing to open our books to prove this, we wonder if Witvlei would be willing to open their books?”

Meatco fully stands behind the Namibian government’s decision based on the criteria to allocate the 2014 Norwegian quota on a more fair and equitable way to ensure enhanced local growth and greater benefit distribution towards a wider range of Namibian farmers. “As custodians of this very fragile and declining industry, we therefore cannot allow a small group of individuals to derail the work of the rest of the industry who have the ability to clearly see this vision and joint objective,” Rukoro says. Meatco believes that it would be in the best interest of the Namibian farmers, the beef industry and Namibia as a whole if Witvlei joined Meatco in standing behind the Government’s decision regarding the quota allocation. Meatco has also over the past months witnessed with concern as Martin continuously slandered and disrespected our national leaders on public platforms.

“This disrespect of our national leaders is unacceptable and does not do anything for the attainment of our national goals as an industry, and as a country and is therefore uncalled for.We, and others like us, therefore view Witvlei’s recent behaviour and actions as utterly childish and unprofessional to the extent that is becoming an embarrassment for our industry and country. We urge Martin to stop misbehaving,” Rukoro concludes.