
Angry Sioka jeered by MPs

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Angry Sioka jeered by MPs

SWAKOPMUND – Gender equality minister Doreen Sioka had to contend with a hostile audience at Swakopmund yesterday, who jeered and laughed at her suggestions to increase women’s representation in the National Council. 

Sioka challenged members of opposition parties in the National Council to amend their constitutions so that it includes more women. Sioka says it is a shame that only six women among the 42 members of the NC are women.

However, her request was interjected with laughter and comments from the audience to an extent that she had to call out some NC members who made light of her request.

Ironically, the minister was speaking at the opening of the essential capacity-building programme for Women in Politics and Decision-making, which is underway in Swakopmund. “Have you ever experienced what women are going through? Have you been pregnant or experienced menstruation pain, and will you be able to discuss these issues? I have never experienced such rudeness and won’t take it at all. Listen to me when I am talking,” an irritated Sioka said to the NC members before she continued with her speech.

She then said the under-representation of women in the council is indeed a concern, as issues that directly affect all women will not be brought forth. 

Therefore, she said, political parties need to amend their constitutions in such a way that it can translate to more women in decision-making positions, such as the NC.

Sioka then lobbied for support from the NC members in the reviewing of the Criminal Procedure Act 51 of 1977, which seeks to tighten bail requirements for accused persons of crimes related to gender-based violence (GBV), and encouraged survivors to actively participate in bail applications. 

She also mentioned the Combating of Domestic Violence Act 4 of 2003 which is also being reviewed in terms of witnesses’ withdrawal of cases due to intimidation, as the witness protection Act is still not operationalised.

“This is indeed a thorn in the flesh. Therefore, I am giving you an assignment to really look into female representation. We also want to achieve 50/50, so all other political parties must also come on board,” she said.

Speaking shortly after the workshop, justice minister Yvonne Dausab also expressed her disappointment in the constant disruptions of Sioka, saying it is unacceptable. 

“I think it doesn’t matter if a man is disrupting a woman or a woman that is disrupting a man. I think disruption, in general, is unacceptable. We must always give people the opportunity to express themselves freely regardless of the fact we don’t agree with them, especially with issues such as GBV and others we may not entirely be comfortable with,” Dausab said.

Rehoboth Urban West councillor and member of the NC Harald Kambrude also said he is personally disappointed in the interjections of the minister.

“We are here to discuss issues that relate to gender equality to empower women that have been advantaged by systems, yet our character is not aligned with. It is totally disrespectful. I am angry that we are bullying women like that,” he said. 

– edeklerk@nepc.com.na 

Caucus… Members of the National Council in Swakopmund. Photo: Eveline de Klerk