Arandis introduces prepaid water metres

Home Front Page News Arandis introduces prepaid water metres

ARANDIS – The Arandis Town Council has launched a prepaid water meter project. The prepaid water system will also allow households with disconnected water to still have access to this basic human right. Arandis mayor Risto Kapenda on Friday said they are planning to roll out the project to the most vulnerable residents whose water has been disconnected, as they can’t keep up with payments.

He says the method will allow the residents to have access to water, while simultaneously servicing their water debt.

“The Arandis prepaid water meter project is a social ringfenced project that was funded by the Ministry of Urban and Rural Development. The project’s uniqueness lies in the fact that it is geared toward addressing the plight of the most vulnerable members of the society,” Kapenda explained.

He added the project will connect all long-disconnected members and households within the communities and afford them the ability to take control of the consumption of the most basic human need – water. 
“Hence, no single resident of Arandis town shall remain without water and sanitation ever after,” he announced.