
Are There Mysterious Serial Killers Around?

Home Archived Are There Mysterious Serial Killers Around?

By William J. Mbangula WINDHOEK The police in the Omusati Region have launched an investigation into the scare stories of alleged mysterious serial killers in the Ombalantu and Ongandjera districts. Police spokesperson, Sergeant Linekela Shikongo, confirmed to New Era that the police received such complaints which are still being investigated. Rumours have been rife since the end of September that there are strange people who are apparently being driven by witchcraft to remove the private parts of their victims. Some of the complaints were aired on a phone-in programme of the NBC recently when the police were accused of doing nothing to protect them. According to Shikongo, an initial investigation has been conducted but so far nothing concrete has been found. He said he could not rule out the possibility of this happening, since complaints have been received which need to be verified. Shikongo has appealed to all who have relevant information to report such incidents to the police. The main problem with such reports is that they cannot easily be verified since some of the people reporting them are not personally involved, hence their information is always vague for follow-up action. “We want to deal with this problem if it really exists, because it is not good for the people to live in fear that their own personal safety is at stake,” Shikongo noted. Such incidents are apparently prevalent at Okahao, Oluteyi, Otamanzi, and Ombwata in Ongandjera districts, and at Omhakoya village in the Ombalantu District.