
Arrest warrant against murder accused cancelled

Home Crime and Courts Arrest warrant against murder accused cancelled

The Windhoek Regional Court cancelled the warrant of arrest against one of the men standing trial for the alleged murder of an Acacia High School learner, who was killed nearly six years ago.
Magistrate Ileni Velikoshi cancelled the warrant of arrest that was issued against Waldo Kavakundu (55). The court had issued a warrant of arrest against Kavakundu after he failed to show up at court on the day when the trial was expected to resume.

The court set down the matter, so that the trial may continue on 20 March.
Kavakundu is currently on trial alongside Gordon Visagie (42) on a charge of murder for the gruesome death of Jesaya Kaipiti (21). Kaipiti died during a shooting incident that transpired at Kavakundu’s residence in Herero location, Katutura, Windhoek on 29 May 2014. 

During the trial, investigative officer Joseph Ndokosho, who took the stand to testify, informed the court that in the statement that he obtained from Visagie, he had admitted that Kavakundu took the gun from him and shoot Kaipiti.  

Ndokosho said four spent cartridges were discovered in the room where the body was found but the murder weapon was not found, though it was later found on a man who had picked it up from the crime scene. State witness Haandjeka Venaani informed the court that he saw the deceased in handcuffs. According to his testimony, when he arrived at the scene, he found the deceased handcuffed but by the time the police got to the scene, no handcuffs were seen on the deceased. 

He further testified the handcuffs were removed by Kavakundu and his co-accused.
However, the two men denied guilt when they took a no guilty plea at the beginning of their trial. In their defence, the deceased was shot when the gun went off several times during a struggle between him and one of seven intruders who invaded his home while he was sleeping.

One of the intruders allegedly had a gun with him, which was already cocked, which they started fighting over and, as a result, three shots went off, hitting Kaipiti in the chest.  
– mamakali@nepc.com.na