
Arts Exhibition Next Week

Home Archived Arts Exhibition Next Week

An exhibition of artist Libbolius Nekundi starts tonight at the National Art Gallery of tonight. Libbolius Nekundi was born 10th May 1983 in Windhoek. After attending primary school at the Martti Ahtisaari Primary School, he completed Grade 12 at Centaurus High School in 2002. At school Libbolius never received any formal art education, but was inspired by local artist Paul Kitto, well-known for his paintings depicting farm-scapes, the obligatory donkey car with jovial people in the background. In the past Libbolius mostly painted landscapes like his master, but decided upon painting human beings and animals to improve his artistic skills. On achievements, Libboluis was awarded the ‘New Signature Award’ during the Standard Bank 2005 Biennale for his artwork, called “Celebrating Humanity”. He intends to study graphic design in the future.