At home with Job Shipululo Kanandjembo Amupanda – My life does not allow for relaxation

Home Lifestyle At home with Job Shipululo Kanandjembo Amupanda – My life does not allow for relaxation

Job Shipululo Kanandjembo Amupanda (33) said as much as he can switch off now and then, many times, because of his profession, there is no such thing as being bored or relaxed as his life does not allow for relaxation.
“It would be strange if I ever get bored. There is always something to do. If I am not busy with my things, it is family things, if it is not activism things, then its academic things. If it is not academic things, it is cultural/traditional things. If it is not traditional/cultural things, it is national and if it is not national things, then it is international things. There is no such thing as not doing anything or relax time,” he bared to Entertainment Now!

Job is well read and has an array of certifications from reputed institutions of higher education in Africa. He obtained a Bachelor of Arts in Political Studies and History from the University of Namibia (Unam), Bachelor of Art (Honours) in Political Science (University of Stellenbosch), Bachelor of Art (Honours) in History (University of South Africa), a Masters of Art in Political Science (University of Stellenbosch), and this year, he was conferred a Doctor of Philosophy in Political Studies from Unam.
The senior lecturer in the Faculty of Economics and Management Science at Unam is currently writing his thesis meant for a Masters of Art in History with the University of South Africa focusing on Ombuga’s mysterious fire and the legend of Akoomena.
“My journey with education was and remains a meaningful pursuit and contribution to knowledge production for our people as opposed to careerism and chest-beating achievements. Education must be used to answer questions perplexing society. As scholars, we are, and must be binoculars of society.”
The Omaalala born activist and academic astonishingly added something that people don’t know about him is he wants to study carpentry and joinery. “I want to have my workshop to make things with my hands when I retire. I don’t want to fight for positions with the youth in my 70s like what the current ones are busy with,” said Job. 

“I have three names; Job Shipululo Kanandjembo. The name Shipululo has historic meanings. In the 1970s, my grandmother, Namene yaShakungu shaNkandi, was pregnant with my uncle whom I have been named after. They were walking to Ondjondjo (Ondangwa) to buy a plough (Oshipululo in Oshindonga). The child was delivered on their way to go buy oshipululo and thus named Shipululo,” detailed Job.
The name Kanandjembo was given to him by his other grandmother, along with her sister who referred to Job as Kanandjembo. The grandmother would say “Kanandjembo ayaha onkuya mepunda”. “The original Kanandjembo, whom my uncle was named after, was a hunter and a sharpshooter. Even birds that are slick, Kanandjembo would manage to bring it down.”  

Job tied the knot with legal practitioner Taimi Iileka-Amupanda in August 2019 and together, they have a three-year-old son- Sankara Uukongo Shipululo Amupanda. 
 “Like me, he has three names with historical significance. Sankara comes from Thomas Sankara, the revolutionary leader of Burkina Faso. Uukongo is from my great grandmother’s, Namupula gwaHamunyela yaShuumbwa’s only son. Shipululo is a continuation of the history of hard work from that 1970s journey to Ondjondjo to go buy oshipululo.”
Job said Sankara is also expected to work hard, no matter the circumstances. “He is to bring about the necessary changes in society. He turns three in the coming weeks. He is very naughty and has a sharp eye for details. People are concerned about me and what I do. When I look at Sankara, I feel sorry for them because they haven’t seen anything yet.”
After a long and exhausting day at work, the only marvels he wants to see is his gorgeous wife, Taimi and his son Sankara running towards him and hearing that one word every father wants to hear from their son- Tate.
“I look forward to Sankara calling me Tateeee. I want to send him to the north because I am realising that he is speaking too much English than Oshindonga. I can’t lose the language fight to cartoons. I want him to go and learn Oshindonga but I am conflicted because if I do that he won’t be there to welcome me when I return from my busy days, we will see.”

“My maternal grandmother, Vanyenga yaAdolf yaElia lyaNdafenongo, has had a lot to do with what I have become. She is a fighter who fought for us during difficult circumstances.
For 33 years I have known her, she fought poverty and won. I think I took that from her,” believes Job.
He said: “She always insisted that we must ask why. For instance, she used to tell my aunts and uncles that, ‘Lombwela okanona kutya oto ka dhengele shike’ – “you must have a reason and inform the child what she/he has done before punishing her.”
Things must always make sense, explained and justified and that is something Job fully lives by today. “The end must justify the means. That culture of explaining the meaning and order of things is what made me end up where I am today,” he pointed out.

Everyone loves a liquid down their throat, a perfect thirst quencher before or after a meal and sometimes just because the weather desires that. Job is no different but don’t come between him and his sugar as he has a sweet tooth. 
“I take a lot of sugar. My friends that are health conscious are always concerned but I tell them that I grew up without sugar so I still have to catch up. We laugh about it but it is something I am looking at. I like drinks made from citrus fruits (orange/lemon) and grapes and apples. I will one day start a citrus fruit farm in Ondonga and start producing juice,” hilariously and earnestly put Job.

Job believes and feels transformation, utilitarianism, knowledge and inspirational are very important traits leaders should have. Furthermore, those who are inspired by him, he is urging they are unique in their way and they shouldn’t apologise for who they are. 
“Children do not apply to be born nor do they vote for their parents. The past is there for learning and not residence. They must always keep their heads up, refusing to relent, equivocate or compromise on their goals in life.”