Author: Otniel Hembapu (Otniel Hembapu )

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Swapo: Firing from all cylinders 

Swapo: Firing from all cylinders 

Otniel Hembapu Aletta Shikololo Lahja Nashuuta Namibia’s watershed elections are here, with just two days left before voters separate pretenders from contenders. The ruling Swapo Party held three major rallies in three different towns, each addressed by a party heavyweight. They are seeking to consolidate their grip on power and dominance in Wednesday’s Presidential and...

Okakarara: Empty promises irk residents

Okakarara: Empty promises irk residents

OKAKARARA – Okakarara residents have cautioned political parties that they are not voting cows – who merely vote on election day – and quickly forgotten by politicians.  Drawing reference from past elections, the town’s residents shared that they have witnessed the trend of politicians disappearing into thin air after they have garnered enough votes and...

Over 760 000 households access potable water

Over 760 000 households access potable water

More than 760 000 households countrywide have access to potable water.  Of this figure, 98.0% of those homes are in urban areas while 83.5% are rural households, the recently-released 2023 Census main report shows.  The report indicates that at regional level, Khomas has the highest percentage (98.7%) of households with access to safe drinking water,...

38 000 Namibians live with albinism

38 000 Namibians live with albinism

At 31, Jenniffer Kaulinge has albinism – her skin, hair and eyes lack melanin, the pigment that gives skin its colour, and helps protect it from damage by ultraviolet light from the sun.  It is a genetic disorder inherited from parents who both carry a faulty gene that prevents the skin from making melanin properly....

Khomas, Omaheke plagued by increasing shacks 

Khomas, Omaheke plagued by increasing shacks 

The Khomas and Omaheke regions have the highest number of shacks in Namibia, with 46.9% of Windhoek residents staying in makeshift dwellings, while a mammoth 46.8% of Omaheke inhabitants currently live in shacks.  These figures are contained in the 2023 Population and Housing Census Main Report, which shows that 28.7% of Namibian households live in...

Schlettwein: Agri sector grossly underfunded 

Schlettwein: Agri sector grossly underfunded 

– High electricity costs bemoaned   – Market access needed   – Calls for more govt funding For Namibia’s agricultural sector to reach its full potential, the country will have to address output barriers such as the high cost of electricity, lack of access to markets, and reliable, affordable water supply as well as general...

Nondja dorukukutu kuna kara mevango limwe tupu momukunda Otjozondjupa Mukunda horowero guna kara tupu neroli limwe 

Nondja dorukukutu kuna kara mevango limwe tupu momukunda Otjozondjupa Mukunda horowero guna kara tupu neroli limwe 

Rukukutu kuna gumu vatungimo momukunda horowero gwaOtjozondjupa unene owo vatunga konomukunda doponze zodoropa, ava vakara asi kugwanenamo mauwa melikwamo lyokugavera nondja dorukukutu. Eyi kayiwizire nye poruzera siruwo oso nkuruministeragona John Mutorwa kakadingwire sinkwa ntani mukunda gwa Otjozondjupa, omu kakagwanekerere kumwe nonompitisili domukunda; omu muna kwatere nguuru James Uerikua, ntani munasipundi gondango zomukunda Marlayn Mbakera, ntani...

30% households without land rights

30% households without land rights

About 30% of Namibian households do not have rights to the land on which their houses are built, the 2023 Population and Housing Census Main Report shows.  Land rights refer to ownership of the piece of land on which one’s dwelling is built. Rights to land equally give one the legal privilege to own, use...

Revised resettlement criteria to be implemented  … corridor farmers, marginalised a priority 

Revised resettlement criteria to be implemented … corridor farmers, marginalised a priority 

The national resettlement criteria, whose revision is almost complete and will soon be implemented, aims to prioritise the plight of generational farmworkers, address overcrowding in resettlement farms, and the overall productivity of government farms.  The indispensable piece of policy development within the overall reviewed National Resettlement Policy, is being tailored in such a way that...

 Over 7 000 households headed by kids

 Over 7 000 households headed by kids

Although the country has made steady progress in various socio-economic spheres, Namibia is still facing structural inequality at the household level.  At the moment, the country is grappling with over 7 754 child and orphan-headed households.  The 2023 Population and Housing Census Main Report, launched in the capital last week, reveals that more than 3...