
Author: Paheja Siririka (Paheja Siririka)

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Eradicating stigma in TB community

After being diagnosed with tuberculosis in South Africa, Karen Husselman was briefly admitted there but insisted on being brought back home to a familiar territory that later became a depressing environment, as people started being scared of her.

OPM rescues goat skin-eating family

OPM rescues goat skin-eating family

Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila says the government has set aside N$892 million to, among others, arrest food insecurity in the country and address drought-related issues, coupled with malnutrition. 

Enjoying water fearlessly

Enjoying water fearlessly

Swakopmund lifeguard Jonas Sheyavali’s ultimate dream is to provide a proactive platform for young people to develop their swimming skills and play his civic duty by contributing to the reduction of drowning cases in the country, a worrisome tragedy that can be avoided.

Trans-Kalaharib ge ǀkharisi omkhâisensa ra hui!nâ

Trans-Kalaharib ge ǀkharisi omkhâisensa ra hui!nâ

Sîsengu tsî !Nari!oabadi Ministeri, John Mutorwab ge ge mî, ge ǂoa ge wekheb !nâ ǀAeǁgams di beros Trans-Kalaharib sîsenxasigu beros dis tawa ge mî, nēti ī berosa nēpa ǁkhowa-ams di ǂâibasens, ǂharuguba !khōdana tsî omkhâisens ǂnamipe a ǀaweǁguisa daoǁgaua sîsenǂuis ai !ammâihe hâsa, !gōsase Namibiab, Botswanab tsî Suid-Afrikab !aroma. 

Artists laud  #BeFree Concert

Artists laud #BeFree Concert

First Lady Monica Geingos says the line-up for the #BeFree Concert happening today is intentional to allow industry creatives to be part of the process of the #BeFree youth campus because they are influential in the communities they live in.

Double burden of malnutrition hits Namibia

Double burden of malnutrition hits Namibia

About 40% of locals are overweight, while 20% are obese, with these rough estimates attributed to the lack of a balanced diet – or in many instances, overindulgence of food, the Nutrition and Security Food Alliance of Namibia has said.