Social work student Trust Nyamajiwa said it is crucial to advocate for equal access to mental healthcare as many individuals face barriers that prevent them from seeking the help they need, whether it be financial limitations, lack of resources, or societal pressures.
Author: Paheja Siririka (Paheja Siririka)
Sign language critical for development of deaf children
When a baby is born deaf, the whole family needs to learn sign language, but it should not be limited to only the family unit; services must be in place to provide sign language learning and support to anyone.
Collaboration can enhance regional trade …as Mauritius explores Namibian opportunities
Namibia understands the importance of enhancing intra-Africa trade, creating synergies and an enabling environment to unlock opportunities for sourcing materials and intermediate products while promoting economic self-sufficiency.
Southerners constantly have to prove themselves
PK de Villiers Secondary School learner Christa Shapaka says southerners always need to prove their worth to the country, something that is sometimes a huge challenge due to, among others, limited opportunities.
Own your sound – Butler
South African singer-songwriter and guitarist Jonathan Kenneth Butler told VIBEZ! that Namibian artists who like or are in the jazz genre should own the sound, make it their own, and remain consistent.
Mental health in cyberspace discussed
Covid-19 has brought about a change in the world of medicine by bringing services to people’s convenience.
Doctors lament slow procurement in public healthcare system
Medical professionals employed by the health ministry continue to point out pressing challenges they experience daily in the Windhoek Central Hospital, among them the lack of medicine that leads to treatment delays, equipment shortages, including linen and beds, and surgery tools.
Normalise mental health treatment
Local creative Lukas Amakali says one of the processes of healing is acknowledging that one has a problem, seeking help, and ensuring treatment is followed to the tee to properly heal from whatever a person is going through.
Using TVET as an industrial tool
Deputy Prime Minister Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah said technical and vocational skills will play a crucial role in making Namibia an industrialised nation and a globally competitive country.