Author: Aron Mushaukwa (Aron Mushaukwa )

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Zambezi school resumes under tree

Zambezi school resumes under tree

Learners from Izimwe Primary School in Zambezi were in for a shock on the first day of the school year, as the dilapidated tent in which they were taught was no longer in use, hence a tree awaited them as classroom.


Muuna uzekisezwa kubulaya ndatahe

Muuna walilimo zemashumi amabeli kazeketalizoho, yatalimana ni mulatu wakubulaya ndatahe yamupepa. Nahanezwi kulibelela muzeko wahae kwande hane abonahalile mwakhuta yasikiliti sa Katima Mulilo Labune.

Maintenance workers tired of idling

Maintenance workers tired of idling

Twenty-one workers from the maintenance section in the directorate of water supply and sanitation coordination of the agriculture ministry in Zambezi region say they have been sitting under the trees doing nothing for over a year while job cards pile up. 

Muñoli yana nipono ukupa tuso

Muñoli yana nipono ukupa tuso

Yene abeleka mwaofesi yebona zakuongaonga sicaba (Community liaison) Joseph Mbuce ubulela kuli kutokwa masheleñi kufofalize pono yahae yakubata kuba muñoli walibuka yazibahala.

Aspiring author pleads for support 

Aspiring author pleads for support 

Retired community liaison officer Joseph Mbuce says financial constraints have hampered his dreams of becoming a renowned author.  Mbuce published his only books the Chisubia-English dictionary and the Chisubia Orthography in 2019.