
Author: Correspondent (Correspondent )

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Opinion –  The Supreme Court of  Namibia failed the nation

Opinion – The Supreme Court of Namibia failed the nation

The recent and most controversial Supreme Court judgement of Digashu and Others v GRN and Others; Seiler-Lilles v GRN and Others, where the majority ruled that the word spouses should include same sexes, has set a new constitutional jurisprudence in Namibia that does not reflect the values, morals and aspirations of the Namibian people.

Opinion –  Drive less, fly less

Opinion – Drive less, fly less

Transport is responsible for almost a quarter of carbon dioxide (CO2) global emissions. Transport has the highest reliance on fossil fuels of any sector, and accounted for 37% of CO2 emissions from end-use sectors in 2021.

Letter –  Please, upgrade existing communal fences

Letter – Please, upgrade existing communal fences

The need for upgrading and maintaining communal fences is a national call going out to all role-players, stakeholders and especially decision makers; in particular the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform, traditional authorities (TAs) and development aid funders (partners).