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Letter –  Namdia, police and media paradox 

Letter –  Namdia, police and media paradox 

The public has the general right to access information held by public institutions. Similarly, the public may access information held by private entities if will assist in the exercise or protection of a fundamental human right or freedom.  This is the rationale behind the Access to Information Act.  The brazen diamond robbery at the Namibia...

Letter – Business idea’s dilemma in the motherland

Letter – Business idea’s dilemma in the motherland

Having a business idea is an exciting moment and the excitement ends when one does not have the means to put the idea into practice.  That is despite the knowledge at hand. It even becomes worse when the individual cannot sell the idea to anyone or to institutions with the means to implement it. It...

Letter – The untold influences of African colonialism

Letter – The untold influences of African colonialism

Efraim Shimbali When colonialism approached Africa, it was a generational mission that African leaders did not understand.  The Berlin conference did not only plan physical wars against Africans, but the brutality of war was a tool to convince Africans to submit to the strategic implementation of African colonialism. What is this African colonialism that African...

Letter – Human capital the greatest asset 

Letter – Human capital the greatest asset 

High quality human capital that create innovations is becoming key in the competitiveness of individual companies and the national economies as far as the Fourth Industrial Revolution is concerned. In the digital age, be it in the private or public sector, one can now work remotely (work from home with the use of a computer),...

Letter – Namibia: Quo vadis (whereto) with 1904-1908 genocide negotiations

Letter – Namibia: Quo vadis (whereto) with 1904-1908 genocide negotiations

An article in The Namibian newspaper of Thursday, 21 November, titled ‘Namibia-Germany genocide negotiations reached final stage’, has reference. In mid-2015, the German foreign ministry unequivocally admitted that the war his country waged against the Ovaherero and the Nama communities between 1904 and 1908 in German South West Africa, now Namibia, was a genocide.  Since...

Letter – Merge AMTA, NAB and Agribusdev 

Letter – Merge AMTA, NAB and Agribusdev 

The agricultural sector plays a pivotal role in Namibia’s economy, with key institutions such as the Agro Marketing and Trade Agency (AMTA), the Namibian Agronomic Board (NAB), and the Agricultural Business Development Agency (Agribusdev) playing crucial roles in its development.  This article advocates the merger of AMTA, NAB and Agribusdev into a single state-owned enterprise...

Letter – SADC’s role, limitations in ensuring democratic integrity

Letter – SADC’s role, limitations in ensuring democratic integrity

Almost a third of African countries have already — or will still — hold general or presidential elections in 2024.  A significant concentration of these are in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region, including South Africa, Botswana, Mozambique and Namibia.  This election calendar signifies the deepening and maturing of Africa’s democratic process. Citizens across...