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Ya yi momeya omapyu molwa ekengelelo

Ya yi momeya omapyu molwa ekengelelo

Ookahewa yaali, gumwe omugandjimayele gwopashimaliwa kehangano lyoSanlam namukwao omuniilonga koHollard Insurance moRundu, oya hooloka komeho gompangu kuyele oshiwike shika sho anuwa ya yaka po oN$200 000 yomupunguli gwoshimaliwa koSanlam.

Know your civil servant – Society is governed by laws I draft

Know your civil servant – Society is governed by laws I draft

Hilma Dalondoka Kuduva is a chief legal officer in the directorate of legislative drafting within the Ministry of Justice. Kuduva, a highly skilled legislative drafter, is responsible for drafting and scrutinising legislation, such as proposed Bills Acts of parliament, rules, regulations, proclamations, codes and directives.