Onandjokwe Medical Museum opamwe novapangi vakulu moshipangelo shaNandjokwe osho ova dimbuluka efiku laSelma Rainio “Gwanandjokwe”.
Author: Correspondent (Correspondent )
Kambungu oye omulihongidingi moUnam HP Campus
Pefimbo lokuanifilwa moshilonga shouhongi mOshitukulwa shaShana umwe womwaavo va pita nova pewa eedjapo, Vaino Kambungu okwa li oye ta dana onghandangala eshi e shi endifa nawa nokuyandja okatapa kovanafikola vakwao.
Namwandi ota kunu ounangeshefa movanyasha va longwa
Omukulunhu woshiputudilo shopombada shehongo International University of Management David Namwandi, okwa ti oshikefa shaye shedina David Namwandi Trust Fund otashi yandje oshimaliwa kovanyasha opo tava di mofikola va dule okutameka eengeshefa.
Finance insight with Mekupi Kambatuku – Reducing farming operation expenses
Building on financial tips in preparation for the looming drought, we have taken an in-depth analysis of each one of them. The focus for this week is on reducing farming operations expenses. This can be challenging for many of us; however, it is vital with the tough time anticipated.
Opinion – Are we ready to implement access to information legislation?
Parliament has passed the Access to Information bill into law, which was gazetted on 28 December 2022. Namibia joins 25 African countries with access to information laws.
Opinion – Climate change, child rights and intergenerational justice
The effects of human-made climate change are a major issue for scientists, researchers and policy-makers alike.
Namwandi offers seed capital for graduates
The chancellor of the International University of Management professor David Namwandi strives to instil entrepreneurship among the youth by providing starting capital for graduates through his trust fund.
Former Canisianum learners give back
Former learners at Canisianum Roman Catholic High School have expressed their concern over the school’s performance in last year’s examinations.
Olutu lwovayandihongo moNamibia tulu ngongwa
Ouministeli wehongo lopedu, ounghulungu neenghulunghedi ou li we lipyakidila okuninga omapekaapeko osho yo okumona omawedelepo moitopolwa aishe omulongo nainhe, opo li dule okutota po oveta i na sha novayandji velongo moNamibia.
Muyaho watibelelo usupezi
Muyaho watibelelo wabasali babaitwezi kwasipatela sa mubuso sa Engela usupezi hahulu, ili kalulo yekona kubea makete abasali bamwanda babapila teñi swalelele mwakozi.