As the current rainy season progresses, good rainfall has been recorded in almost all parts of the country. As a result, crop farmers are witnessing a productive crop production season with noteworthy growth of maize, sorghum and pearl millet (mahangu).
Author: Correspondent (Correspondent )
Finance insight with Mekupi Kambatuku – Insurance in the agriculture context
Insurance has become a hot topic within the agriculture sphere. It seems everyone is hopping on this insurance wagon.
Benefits of reintroducing valuable perennial grasses
Namibian rangelands present a variety of forage resources to livestock and wild animals for survival. These plant groups include grass, trees, bush, and forbs utilised by both grazing and browsing animals. Grass is, however, the feed-base of grazing livestock in Namibia.
Opinion – Namibia’s battle with rape, suicide and passion killing
How people die remains in the memory of those who live on, how many people are we going to lose if passion killing, rape, and suicide continue?
Opinion – Unlocking Namibia’s economic growth and opportunities in 2023
The global economy is facing a new set of challenges in 2023, as inflation, geopolitical tensions, and the ongoing signs of the Covid pandemic continue to affect countries worldwide.
Opinion – Entrepreneurship revolution could counter high unemployment
I want to challenge us with the high unemployment rate, and the few employment opportunities available in our country.
Rural Zambezi schools get electricity
The government’s rural electrification programme has reached Nankuntwe Combined School and Namiyundu Primary School in the floodplains of Kabbe North and Kabbe South constituencies of the Zambezi region.
Gobabis executive finally charged
The Municipality of Gobabis has served its suspended strategic executive for human resources and corporate services, Frieda Shimakeleni, with 25 charges, after a two-year hiatus to allow investigations, in a string of alleged violations.