
Author: Edward Mumbuu (Edward Mumbuu )

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Bipa’s web of lies and deceit

Bipa’s web of lies and deceit

When Business and Intellectual Property Authority (Bipa) boss Vivienne Katjiuongua learned about conspiracies to commit fraud at the entity, she moved a sensitive document to her office for safekeeping. 

Swapo CC to unpack same-sex brouhaha

Swapo CC to unpack same-sex brouhaha

An extraordinary Swapo central committee meeting will be convened in the coming days to deliberate on the recent Supreme Court judgment on recognising same-sex marriages solemnised beyond Namibia’s borders.

Govt unleashes drought counter-offensive

Govt unleashes drought counter-offensive

The agriculture ministry will roll out drought mitigation measures from 1 July 2023 to December in Kunene region and parts of Erongo and Omusati, and provide livestock support programmes in drought-stricken regions of Omaheke, Hardap and //Kharas.


PM, struggle kids plan N$13 million spending spree

While a court declaration exists that children of the liberation must not receive preferential treatment, the Office of the Prime Minister has allegedly been meeting a faction of the group behind closed-doors, concocting a plan on how to spend millions that are lying idle in an account. 

N$13 million idle in struggle kids’ account

N$13 million idle in struggle kids’ account

By the end of March 2022, an account named Children of the Liberation Struggle, resorting under the Prime Minister’s office, had a balance of N$13 million, all while children of the liberation struggle were knocking on the government’s door, pleading for economic opportunities.

MTC, Cran on warpath again

MTC, Cran on warpath again

A fresh tug-of-war has erupted between MTC and the industry regulator, the Communication Regulatory Authority of Namibia, in the protracted legal tussles between the two parastatals.