Author: Edward Mumbuu (Edward Mumbuu )

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Bring back our Meatco

Bring back our Meatco

A group of commercial beef producers – mainly previously advantaged farmers – are demanding that government immediately stops meddling in the affairs of the Meat Corporation of Namibia. 

Parliament must inspire confidence

Parliament must inspire confidence

Parliament must enact laws that will boost investments while also inspiring confidence in the citizenry if Namibia is to realise her full potential, President Hage Geingob says, setting the tone for the 2023 legislative calendar.


Geingob: Local news headlines depressing

While the media is expected to keep the government on its toes, President Hage Geingob is concerned that it cannot be true that there is nothing the State is doing right as depicted by continuous negative headlines in the press.


Katjiua establishes generational mission

One of the claimant Ovaherero Traditional Authority paramount chiefs, academic Mutjinde Katjiua, says he has located his mission for the polarised community, but like his predecessors, he too faces counter-revolutionary forces.