
Author: Edward Mumbuu (Edward Mumbuu )

Home Edward Mumbuu
Kandjeke smells resettlement rot

Kandjeke smells resettlement rot

Government’s resettlement programme is engulfed in a myriad of irregularities, ranging from a lack of productivity assessments before resettlement to the absence of lease agreements, rendering the entire process non-compliant with the necessary legislation, policies and guidelines laws.

Questions over politburo appointments

Questions over politburo appointments

Political analysts have questioned President Hage Geingob’s wisdom and seriousness in the fight against it, following his decision to appoint a corruption-convicted former minister and his lawyer to the Swapo politburo.

‘Schoolboy error’ rocks Swapo CC vote

‘Schoolboy error’ rocks Swapo CC vote

An elementary schoolboy mistake has seemingly thrown the outcome of the Swapo Party central committee elections into disarray after it emerged that a totally wrong list of successful candidates was read out during the closing ceremony of the seventh elective congress on Monday night.