
Author: Edward Mumbuu (Edward Mumbuu )

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The PDM conundrum

The PDM conundrum

The Popular Democratic Movement (PDM) cannot claim moral high ground when the ruling Swapo is embroiled in scandals and turn a blind eye when it or its members are caught pants down, its parliamentarian Vipuakuje Muharukua has said. 

Govt offices owe ministry N$1.5 billion

Govt offices owe ministry N$1.5 billion

Several government offices, ministries and agencies owe the works and transport ministry – government’s asset custodian - over N$1.5 billion in unpaid fees for leasing vehicles from the ministry over the past five years.

Swapo endorses city coalition

Swapo endorses city coalition

Swapo’s Windhoek municipal councillors who ignored party directives not to participate in a vote of no confidence in the management committee (MC) or partake in any form of coalition, are off the hook. 

City residents deserve council chaos – Sankwasa

City residents deserve council chaos – Sankwasa

Former works and transport deputy minister James Sankwasa has put the blame for chaos at the Windhoek municipal council squarely on residents. He said the mess in which the municipality finds itself would have been avoided had voters given one party an outright majority or eight seats in the 15-member council.

Swapo messed up towns – Swartbooi 

Swapo messed up towns – Swartbooi 

The ruling Swapo party is the last political formation to lecture others about running local authorities as it failed at an industrial scale, for the better part of 32 years, Landless People’s Movement leader Bernadus Swartbooi has said.

AR takes MC chair

AR takes MC chair

The Affirmative Repositioning (AR) has successfully toppled the Independent Patriots for Change (IPC)-dominated management committee through a motion of no confidence.