Nahas Ndevahoma and Isabella Ndevahoma started their agriculture project after they had identified the need for vegetables within their communities for a balanced diet, as the northern communities only eat the stable food that is omahangu.
Author: Festus Hamalwa (Festus Hamalwa )
Plant a Tree project launched in Ohangwena
The Ohangwena Regional Council passed council resolution C04/08/12/18, supported by a management committee recommendation on MC03/09/09/21, and approved an amount of N$ 1 393.614.92 to be used for the implementation of the “Plant a Tree Project” under their regional specific action plan.
Agriculture is the livelihood and backbone of every country
Author, life coach and radio DJ Otto Kapuka is continuing efforts to help others, and is now running a garden at Onangombe in the Omusati region to provide employment to youth and produce affordable fruit and vegetables.
Food security is very important
May Hikumwah is a full-time farmer and horticulture and agro-food processing entrepreneur, who owns a garden named Omulamba Plantation in Okongo, Ohangwena Region, and their product brand is Elegance Foods.
Eenhamanana mOhakafiya da xula
Oshikandjo Ohakafiya shi li koshi yelelo laUkwanyama osha a luka konima yeedula 10 eshi kwa li sha kufwa po.
Olwaambo, oupote nonyalo ina u pumbiwa moilonga-Hamunyela
Komufala woshikondo womavyulonghalo moNamibia Commissioner General Raphael Hamunyela okwa ti ombelewa yaye itai ka fiya emanya lo londa ku li kwao ngeenge tashi ya yovanambelewa komavyulonghalo ovo tava longo nolwaambo, onyalo, oku ya koilonga omunhu a lata noshoyo oipupulu yo tai teya po ombili mokati kovanambelewa.
Pregnant teens determined to continue education
Ongwediva - Pregnant teenagers who have been at the waiting ward at the Onandjokwe hospital last week said despite unexpectedly falling pregnant at a relatively young age, they are determined to complete their education.
Hamunyela warns gossiping, lazy officers
Commissioner general of Namibia Correctional Service Raphael Hamunyela said late coming to work, gossiping, ill-discipline, laziness, idleness and rumour-mongering would not be tolerated by his office.
Omukeleli womaliko vati a kwata okaana kofikola komavele
Opolifi moshitukulwa shaKaras otai konakona oshibofa shokaana keedula 11 vati ka kwatwa komavele nokomatako komukeleli womaliko pofikola yavo pefimbo kwa li ka kofa.
‘Ehalo otu na, ka pe na ou ta kala nounona vetu’ Ounona ve na ounona ova hala oku shuna mofikola
Onona voukadona ve na ounona nava mwe ve li momateelelo veli ngeno pefimbo kala mofikola, ove li momalimbililo oku dilaadila eenghalamenyo davo konima yoku pulumuna.