Ladies, you know that sharp shooting pain you often feel in your left or right boob? Well, worry not, you are not dying. In most cases, it has a lot to do with your menstrual cycle and hormonal changes that are happening in your body
Author: Frieda Mukufa (Frieda Mukufa )
Mavutu Conversations – Vaginal flatulence is completely normal
I want to start the first conversation of the year on a very light note. With something that a lot of us, women, experience – vaginal farts, medically known as vaginal flatulence.
Mavutu Conversations – Happy new year
This year is no different; we are still talking about women-related issues and everything surrounding women. I hope 2022 was a great year for every one of you readers.
Mavutu Conversations – End femicide now
I know many think we have exhausted the conversations around gender-based violence, yet, nothing seems to be solving the issue at hand, especially in Namibia, and mostly, the northern regions of the country.
Mavutu Conversations – Cryptic pregnancies are real
Recently, I came across a video on Twitter where a lady was narrating how she did not know she was pregnant until the day she went to the doctor because of severe abdominal pains.
Mavutu Conversations – Pimple on vagina
I know we all want our coochie skin to look like the Fenty model’s face. But let’s face it, not everyone’s vagina has close to perfect skin. I am sure that every other woman reading this knows what I am talking about – pimples on your vagina. Let me rephrase – ordinarily normal pimples. So, what causes these?
Mavutu Conversations – Swelling and itching may indicate condom allergy
Even when the number is not high, I am sure there are women who have had a terrible reaction after sex and just did not understand why.
Mavutu Conversations – Missed your period again?
Have you ever wondered why you miss your periods sometimes while you know you aren’t pregnant? Have you ever gotten a pregnancy scare, knowing very well you have been in “drought” the whole time? Well, not a lot of people know this, but you might be suffering from a condition called Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS).
Debunking myths around contraceptives
For many years, women have been subjected to being called sluts or whores for using contraceptives.
Ectopic pregnancy
Today’s topic is rather sensitive, but it needs attention because not a lot of people know about it.