
Author: Karlos Naimwhaka (Karlos Naimwhaka )

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Uncommon sense – The emperor’s circus

Uncommon sense – The emperor’s circus

It would sound untrue and mythical to say that everything we see as life is far more than a feeble mind can imagine.  It may be relieving and pleasing, and there may be various sensible reasons to justify its necessity, but there are more exclusive benefits to the emperor’s grand plan.

Uncommon Sense – Leadership from a villager’s perspective

Uncommon Sense – Leadership from a villager’s perspective

Presently, when looking at the concept of leadership, it is presented and perceived in a unidimensional fashion.  Just the mere mention of the word leadership itself suggests only religious, political, and organisational leadership. This could also be the main reason why true leadership may be facing extinction and be replaced with pseudo-leadership.