Government Institutions Pension Fund (GIPF) CEO David Nuyoma has highlighted some of the negative impacts of early pension withdrawals, saying the money on average lasts for a mere 18 months after individuals elect to resign before their retirement age.
Author: Maihapa Ndjavera (Maihapa Ndjavera )
No relief for consumers
Consumers who tightened their belts during the last couple of years due to the impact of Covid-19, coupled with a persistent recession, recent fuel and food price hikes, were hammered again yesterday as the Bank of Namibia increased the repo rate with 25 basis points from 4% to 4.25%.
Govt stands firm on hydrogen project transparency …as IPPR red flags awarding six months old company
The legislative framework, rationale and subsequent adopted approach used to launch Namibia’s green hydrogen request for proposal has been explained by the country’s green hydrogen commissioner, James Mnyupe.
Shiimi: Higher civil servants’ salaries will worsen deficit
Finance minister Iipumbu Shiimi pointed out the contradiction of some parliamentarians lamenting the size of the budget deficit and consequently the increase in government debt, while still advocating for the increase in civil servants’ wages.
Namibia wraps up Dubai Expo
After an eventful six months of promoting Namibia as an investment and tourist destination at the Expo 2020 Dubai, the Namibian Pavilion has officially closed its doors as the curtain falls.
‘People don’t need luxury but shelter’
Urban and rural development minister Erastus Uutoni stressed to financiers in the private sector that people need shelter and not luxury homes that trigger housing costs and leave out low-income earners who are in need of housing.
Rural electrification stands at 20%
According to Namibia’s household national data, there are 235 884 rural households, of which 35 855 are connected to the grid, while 18 324 have access to solar energy, giving rural electrification a rate of 20%.
ǀAsa daogu ge Zambezib ûiǀgauba ra ǀkharaǀkhara
Daogu ǂGaeǂgui!nans (RA) ge ra ǂgom, Namalubi-Isize-Luhonono daob, 52 kilometerga ra Zambezi ǀkharib !nâ !khoeb di ǀhui-amhes nē ǀkharib !aroma kai ǂâibasens tsî harebesa !khōǂgā hâsa.
Namibian products uncompetitive in international markets
Namibia’s real effective exchange rate appreciated in 2021, signalling a decline in the competitiveness of Namibia’s products on international markets.
Mikwakwa yeminca imbweshafaza mupilelo mwa Zambezi
Katengo kakabona zakuyaha mikwakwa ili kakazibahala kaRoads Authority (RA), kalumela kuli kukwalulwa kwamukwakwa walibima zemashumi aketalizoho kazepeli, obizwa Brendan Simbwaye kikwabutokwa hahulu.