Kevin Makwara grew a passion for metal sculpting at the age of 14 after seeing his big brothers create different kinds of metal decorations for gardens and house walls.
Author: Max Heinrich (Max Heinrich )
Daughter attacks mother with machete
A 28-year-old Namibian female was arrested last Friday after allegedly attacking her biological mother with a panga, a weekend crime report shows.
Oushitwe tau yandje eemhito doilonga kuvahapu
Omunangeshefa umwe okwa ti yee mongeshefa okwa kala mo okudja mo2018 eshi e ya po nongeshefa yaye yokuninga oinima yaye mwene okudilila moushitwe.
Ouministeli womayambulepo owa tula exumokomesho momupolo
Oministeli yeedoolpa nomayambulepo okomikunda oya tula moilonga exumokomesho lovanyasha meenhele da yooloka.
Homemade chilli sauce to tickle your taste buds
Lavinia Navayole Simon (31) embarked on a journey in 2018 to establish her business of selling homemade hot chilli sauce.
Cosmetics entrepreneur leverages local ingredients
Local entrepreneur and business owner Johanna Nghidinua became self-employed in 2018 when she decided to open up her local manufacturing business.
North owes taxman N$9.3 billion
Five northern regions – Oshana, Oshikoto, Ohangwena, Omusati and Kunene north – owe the taxman a cumulative N$9.3 billion, the Namibia Revenue Agency revealed.
Learners excited by OATF offering
Learners from various schools around Oshakati and Ongwediva, who flooded the Ongwediva Annual Trade Fair, expressed excitement about the popular event.
Omuthiya’s first private nursing college officially opened
Oshikoto governor Penda ya Ndakolo has urged students of the Higher Ground Training College (HGTC) to study hard to become professional personnel they aspire to become in the future.
Informal traders stoked for trade fair
Hairstylists at the Ongwediva Open Market have expressed excitement at the start of the annual trade fair in their town.