Author: Prof Makala Lilemba (Prof Makala Lilemba )

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Developmental routes  of the Zambezi

Developmental routes of the Zambezi

For easy and manageable ranking, the Zambezi region can be divided into four routes radiating from the central zone of development, which is the town of Katima Mulilo. Each route has experienced some form of developmental challenges. 

Unfortunately, not a nation Yet!

Unfortunately, not a nation Yet!

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, nationalism is defined as loyalty and devotion to a nation, especially a sense of national consciousness, exalting one nation above all others, and placing primary emphasis on the promotion of its culture and interests as opposed to those of other nations or supranational groups.

Africa’s political leadership deficiency

Africa’s political leadership deficiency

A Triple Heritage, Programme 6,’ Ali Mazrui, in 1986, narrates the inferiority complex situation in which Lyndon Johnson and Daniel Arap Moi found themselves after the deaths of the charismatic leaderships of John F Kennedy of the United States of America and Jomo Kenyatta of the Republic of Kenya respectively.  

Opinion –  Upon abandoning ethics and moral values

Opinion – Upon abandoning ethics and moral values

According to Frankena (1973), the word 'moral' is derived from the Latin word 'mos' or 'moralis', which means manner or custom, while the Greek word 'ethikos' for ethics means the same and it is concerned with the way we conduct ourselves or behave, as well as the course of action we take in certain moral problems.