Author: Prof Makala Lilemba (Prof Makala Lilemba )

Home Prof Makala Lilemba
Opinion – The quest for a paramount chief in Zambezi

Opinion – The quest for a paramount chief in Zambezi

It seems the quest for a paramount chief in the Zambezi region is still on the cards, and it is only that this time around it is being aired on social media through video clips by a secret cult organisation whose members are operating from Botswana, Namibia and Zambia. The members of this secret cult happen to belong to the Masubiya ethnic group. 

Opinion – The political – intelligentsia phobia

Opinion – The political – intelligentsia phobia

The state of phobia between lawmakers and academicians has been simmering for many centuries, and yet no solution is in sight. In ancient Greece, Socrates was condemned to death by drinking hemlock because of his questions about life and knowledge and other issues, which affected humankind.