Education is a term which describes the process by means of which we come to realise our capacity for human action – that is to say, the capacity which makes it possible for us to act in a manner which appropriately distinguishes us from other objects or beings.
Author: Reverend Jan Scholtz (Reverend Jan Scholtz )
Opinion – Manage your time strategically
One of the most common complaints in the hectic world we live in is being “too busy!” Often, people are simply too busy dealing with day-to-day life to find the time to pursue their dreams.
Opinion – Attain study goals by being assertive
You are just settling down to start studying. You have planned exactly what you would like to cover during your study session this evening, and are feeling highly motivated and focused.
Opinion – Downtime: A critical component of productivity
When I am speaking to assembled executives and employees of a corporation, I often startle my audience by suggesting that the key to their success is in working less, not more. Relaxation is just as necessary to success as work. It is perhaps that hypothetical perfect state of existence where all of our parts and functions are in perfect order.
Opinion – Child marriages: A bane to society
In many rural communities in Africa, marriage and child bearing are considered the most appropriate roles for young women between the ages of 15 and 24. Studies have revealed a strong connection between early age of marriage and low educational and health status of the individual and family marriage.
Opinion – The community story in the context of sex, GBV
Today, I am tackling a matter geared towards primarily Christians, especially as 90% of the population profess Christianity.
Opinion – Employment, growth and basic needs: A one-world problem
Commonwealth heads of government at the Ohawa meeting in 1973 endorsed the decision taken in Lusaka in January 1973 by ministers concerned with youth matters to establish a Commonwealth Youth Programme.
Opinion – Conversations on homosexuality and marriage: A reflection
Different Christians have different understandings of and policies governing marriage and divorce, and these have evolved.
Opinion – Constraints to development: Technology Issues
Technology can be considered as all the processes that are adopted in transforming inputs into finished products. Various processes can be used to transform the same type of inputs into finished products.
Opinion – The gender perspective
Back in the day, during my studies at the University of Zambia (UNZA), we had one discussion on what it is to be a male.