
Author: Ruben Kapimbi (Ruben Kapimbi )

Home Ruben Kapimbi
Short Story – Olympic Games 2030

Short Story – Olympic Games 2030

Simon stepped into the fried-potatoes-smelling shop and grabbed a few yellow bags painted with a red ‘S’ in the centre. Soon, he played cat and mouse with the security’s bush pigskin whip, before knocking down a chuckling girl in a wheelchair. The bashing lash chased him into the grass-choked footpath.

Poem – My School Uniform

Poem – My School Uniform

While my buddies bounced at

the back  of bluebonnet Ford

Slamming shut their uncle’s

yellow-door Ford

I ducked bursting spooky seed-coats

Teachers mistook my gnashing teeth

for a smile

Short Story – The Breathing Skull (1904)

Short Story – The Breathing Skull (1904)

I stumbled upon skin-and-bone natives galloping into the wasteland at Otjihaenena. “Don’t spare any fleeing Herero,” yelled the whiskery-bearded commander. Soon, I sprayed deadly bullets skywards to scare the straw-like children. I spotted reedy children squeezing vinegary water out of green and white-striped melons. The skinny children coughed after the gunpowder-bluish smoke had choked their l