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Russia okwa hala oku kwathela Namibia noBIG

Russia okwa hala oku kwathela Namibia noBIG

Omukuluntuwiliki gwoRussia Federal Council Committe on Social Policy Yelena Perminiva okwa holola ohokwe oku gandja uunongo wa nkene yesheenda oku kala taya gandja iimaliwa kaakwashigwana yawo.   Omasiku ngano, engungo lyaantu olya li ya holola omadhiladhilo taya gandja omukandakemo gwawo kuuminister guuthikepamwe, uukakwashike kookantu nonkalonawa Doreen Sioka ta ya pula aakwashigwana mboka taya hupu nuudhigu...

Scana opens Namibian subsidiary 

Scana opens Namibian subsidiary 

Online publications report that Norwegian company Scana has expanded internationally through the establishment of a Namibian subsidiary. This is as Namibia continues to cement itself as an exploration hotspot after recent deepwater oil discoveries. “Scana-owned PSW Technology is following key customers, including Odfjell Drilling and Northern Ocean internationally, and has established a strategically-important subsidiary in...

A widow’s plight

A widow’s plight

“Why is it that when a woman loses her spouse to death, she is often depicted as a witch and a gold digger, but the man is not? It’s very unfair,” Paulina Iilonga wept.

Registered elders impress Mbumba

Registered elders impress Mbumba

President Nangolo Mbumba has been impressed by the number of senior citizens who have registered to vote during the ongoing General Voter Registration (GVR) exercise being conducted by the Electoral Commission of Namibia. 

Affordable land  tops Govt agenda

Affordable land tops Govt agenda

The implementation of the new housing policy for Namibia approved by Cabinet last year will assist in boosting the delivery of houses, especially for low-income earners and first-time home buyers.