Author: Staff Reporter (Staff Reporter )

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Opinion: The shackles of NSSCO and AS levels

Opinion: The shackles of NSSCO and AS levels

Namibian learners currently doing Grade 11 and Advanced Subsidiary (AS) level are all under immense pressure and stress. The new curriculum that the Namibian government introduced into all government senior secondary schools almost two years ago has caused chaos within secondary schools.

Examination motivation 

Examination motivation 

Writing exams is one of the hardest and most stressful parts of being a student. Examinations are around the corner, and some students have already started. Get yourself to the exam and do your best; study while others are partying.

Namibia launches green hydrogen strategy

Namibia launches green hydrogen strategy

On Friday, Namibia’s Green Hydrogen Council launched its green hydrogen strategy, which supports the country’s commitment to the Paris Agreement on climate change, with the ultimate goal of reducing emissions to net zero by 2050. 

Main accused in Möller murder fires lawyer

Main accused in Möller murder fires lawyer

Panduleni Gotlieb (accused 1) wanted Kaurivi to recall a witness that already testified in the trial during the State’s case. The lawyer explained to Panduleni that it can only happen in extraordinary circumstances that a State witness can be recalled, but the latter insisted and Kaurivi had no option than to withdraw as legal counsel. Windhoek High Court Judge Dinnah Usiku then postponed the matt