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Muuna ufamanwa ashwile kwakambe yamubuleli

Muuna ufamanwa ashwile kwakambe yamubuleli

Mapokola mwasikiliti sa Kavango ya Wiko basweli kubatisisa taba yamuuna walilimo zemashumi amabeli kazeketalizoho, yana fumanwi ashwile kwakambe mwa Nkurenkuru Labulalu, teñi mubuleli nali kwamukopano nibalateleli bahae babatokwa litapelo ni limakazo. 

Yakulubelwa kuba  lisholi wakunupiwa

Yakulubelwa kuba lisholi wakunupiwa

Muyahi watolopo ya Walvis Bay nakunupile nikubulaya yakulubelwa kuba lisholi yanali fasituwa sandu yahae, kamaikuto akubata kutuba ni kuuzwa. Taba yeo ne ezahezi mwakomponi ya Kuisebmond Labubeli kakusasa. 

Dundee uplifts Okapembambu school hostel

Dundee uplifts Okapembambu school hostel

Dundee Precious Metals Tsumeb (DPMT), through the Tsumeb Community Trust,  recently donated 235 mattresses valued at over N$274 700  to the Okapembambu Mobile School hostel. The school is about 20km east of Opuwo, which is a town with a Himba community of over 700. 

OSH now a fundamental principle and right at workplace

OSH now a fundamental principle and right at workplace

Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) has now become a fundamental principle and right at work. This is as the International Labour Organisation (ILO) adopted the inclusion of a safe and healthy working environment in the ILO’s Framework of Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work (FPRW) during its 110th Session of the International Labour Conference.