
B2Gold workers suspension lifted

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B2Gold workers suspension lifted

B2Gold Namibia yesterday confirmed the labour dispute at the country’s largest gold mine, the Otjikoto mine, has ended with approximately 160 suspended employees returning for duty with a warning. 

The suspended employees started returning for duty on the morning of 14 October 2022, with the mine now back in full production.

Following what B2Gold deemed an illegal strike, a meeting was convened on 11 October 2022 between the labour ministry, mine management and the Mineworkers Union of Namibia (MUN). 

The aim of the tripartite meeting was to discuss the work stoppage that occurred at the Otjikoto mine and the subsequent suspensions of the affected employees. 

“During the meeting, the minister of labour confirmed the continuous operation permit (CONTOPS) is valid, and that the company should consider lifting the suspensions and imposing a different sanction. The company agreed to discuss the matter further with the MUN on 12 October 2022,” read a statement, issued by B2Gold. 

The statement added that during the meeting, between the company and the MUN, the union acknowledged their members should have followed the internal grievance and dispute mechanisms available to them before embarking on an unsanctioned work stoppage. 

“The MUN apologised for the behaviour of their members and further requested the company reconsider the lifting of the suspensions. An amicable solution was reached, and the company agreed to lift the suspensions and allow the employees to return to work with a warning. Whilst the illegal strike was on, the Otjikoto mine continued its operations,” the company stated.  

The Otjikoto mine came into production in December 2014 and successfully transitioned to commercial production, with underground mine development and expansion currently underway. 

Otjikoto reached its highest level of gold production in 2021 since its inception, producing 197 573 ounces of gold. 

B2Gold Namibia had a total of 871 permanent employees and 51 temporary employees, with 98.6% of B2Gold Namibia’s total workforce being Namibian. 

B2Gold Namibia is a 90% owned subsidiary of B2Gold Corp, which is based in Vancouver, Canada. 

The remaining 10% is owned by EVI Mining Company Limited, a Namibian, broad-based economic empowerment group. 

The Otjikoto Mine is located on commercial farmland between Otavi and Otjiwarongo. 

– ebrandt@nepc.com.na